Business Initiatives
We go through great lengths to equip and train franchisees initially so they are fully prepared and equipped with the essentials to start delivering our SERVICES & PRODUCTS. We are only as successful as our franchisees.
Initially, we do more ‘hand holding’ at the start of a franchisee’s business in order to help them overcome their first unknowns or challenges.
We continue to support franchisees as they grow. Should they come upon new roadblocks or need additional resources, training, or expert advice to help bring their business to the next level of growth, we will be there to help.
While franchisees operate IN their business, we continuously work behind the scenes ON the overall business model to build better systems and grow the value of the brand.
Some of these Business Initiatives include:
Building better sports programs & training.
Continuous refining of systems to be more efficient and save time & money.
Testing new marketing strategies and creating more advertising collateral products.
Building stronger relations with national / international governing bodies of each sport.
Finding & forming new partnerships with Approved Suppliers for better products and preferred pricing.
Sponsoring major sporting events and building the brand.
Securing national sponsorship revenues to share with franchisees.
Finding innovative ways to support youth who cannot afford to play sports.
Continuously working closely with each franchisee in order to develop partner programs that give back to their communities in a charitable way.
Network with experts and international organizations that are advocates for the betterment of youth sports.
Establish new standards and best practices for the organized youth sport industry.